sediment interchanges between the main channel and flood plains 滩槽泥沙交换
Drought and flood in flood season 汛期旱涝趋势
Benefits of flood and sediment reducing 减洪减沙
channel sediment deposition 河道泥沙淤积; 河道冲淤
flood and sediment reduction 减洪减沙; 减洪减沙作用
Region of Abundant in Sediment and Coarse Sand 多沙粗沙区
sediment and flood 洪水泥沙
Sediment Deposition and Erosion 泥沙冲淤
sediment deposition in reservoir region 库区淤积
sediment scouring and depositing 泥沙冲淤
sediment scouring and silting 泥沙冲淤
sediment scouring-deposition 泥沙冲淤
the relation of frequency between flood and sediment 水沙频率关系
utilization of flood and sediment 用洪用沙
analysis of scouring and deposition 冲淤分析
Characteristics of Scouring and Deposition 冲淤特性
critical discharge of scouring and deposition 冲淤临界流量
deposition and scouring of riverbed 河道冲淤
equilibrium between scouring and deposition 冲淤平衡